Turn customer data into powerful insights with an AI driven MMP
Unify all your marketing data into one platform and track metrics that matter, from link clicks and app downloads to revenue generated and user retention.

Trusted by

2M+ installs
Best AI App of 2023 by Google

500k+ installs

250k+ installs

250k+ installs
Fantasy Sports

Zeno Health
500k+ installs

Voice Club
1M+ installs
and many more!
Solutions to accelerate your app growth
User level identification
We don’t just tell you your campaign download numbers, we provide user identification on a deep level with 30+ unique user attributes that you can use for customer personalization and data enrichment.

Unify all your marketing customer data
Track every link click, app download, and revenue generated from all your marketing campaigns. Be it paid ads on Google or influencer collabs on Insta, all the data is under one roof for deep analysis.

Save hours of analytics time with Link AI ✨
Directly ask Link AI for deep campaign level and user level insights, saving hours of time spent on analytics.
Track revenue and retention to identify your power users!
Track ROAS and retention metrics to identify your top performing marketing channels and users
With the easiest code integration, get started in a matter of minutes
Integrate the Linkrunner SDK and try it out yourself!
Linkrunner SDK on your App
Data available on Linkrunner Dashboard/APIs

US Cloud
Hosted in Virginia

EU Cloud
Hosted in Frankfurt

Asia Cloud
Hosted in Mumbai
Stay ahead of the competition
Link your own custom domain app.{nike}.com
Create unlimited tracking links for your app on any app store
Track app downloads from any country with the lowest latency
Talk to us today!
Hop on a call with us to see how Linkunner can help you grow your app (and yes, you can try the platform for free)
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